Central Community Schools
Meeting Minutes
School Board Meeting
05/10/2021 06:30 PM
Central Administrative Office
10510 Joor Road, Suite 300
Central, LA 70818
Voting Members
Dr. James Gardner, President
Dr. Keith Holmes, Vice President
Roxanne Atkinson, Board Member
Phillip Graham, Board Member
Ruby Foil, Board Member
Sharon Browning, Board Member
1. Call to Order
Chairman James Gardner called to order the Regular School Board Meeting of the Central Community School Board on Monday, May 10, 2021 at the Central Administrative Office at 6:32 P.M. The board meeting was paused and comments and questions were continued to be received from the Public Hearing on the millage rates for the 2021 Tax Rolls. The Regular School Board Meeting was called back to order at 6:43 P.M.
2. Prayer
Led by Dr. Gardner
3. Pledge
4. Roll Call
Tracy Barnes conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Roxanne Atkinson, Sharon Browning, Ruby Foil, James Gardner, Phil Graham and Keith Holmes. David Walker was absent. A quorum was present.
5. To consider amending the agenda to move Item #14 on the agenda, to establish millage rates for the 2021 Tax Rolls, to become Item #5 on the agenda.
A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Browning to move item #14 on the agenda, to establish millage rates for the 2021 Tax Rolls, to become item #5 on the agenda to continue the public hearing held prior to the board meeting, to establish millage rates for the 2021 Tax Rolls.
A roll call vote was taken for the board to approve amending the agenda to move item #14 on the agenda, to establish millage rates for the 2021 Tax Rolls, to become item #5 on the agenda and is listed as follows:
For: Atkinson, Browning, Foil, Gardner, Graham, Holmes
Against: None
Absent: Walker
Abstain: None
There being six (6) votes "For", zero (0) votes "Against", one (1) vote "Absent", and zero (0) votes "Abstain", the motion passed.
A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to defer the vote on this item until the full board is present and to allow time to receive input from the public. There being no objections, the motion passed.
6. To consider approval of the minutes from the Public Hearing held on Monday, April 19, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the minutes from the Public Hearing held on Monday, April 19, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
7. To consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, April 19, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, April 19, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
8. To consider approval of the minutes from the Strategic Planning Session held on Tuesday April 27, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Ms. Foil and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the minutes from the Strategic Planning Session held on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
9. To consider the Superintendent's recommendation for administrative, instructional and support staff positions and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the retirement of the following: 1)Ms. Jean Averette, Math Interventionist Teacher, Central Intermediate School, effective June 5, 2021; 2)Ms. Maxine Baillio, Head Cook (7-Hr), Bellingrath Hills Elementary School, effective July 30, 2021; 3)Ms. Laurie Gehling, Principal, Bellingrath Hills Elementary School, effective July 19, 2021; 4)Ms. Marian Long, Computer Teacher, Tanglewood Elementary School, effective June 5, 2021; 5)Ms. Mary Miller, Assistant Principal, Central Middle School, effective July 21, 2021; 6)Ms. Karen Prejean, Special Education Paraprofessional, Central Middle School, effective May 22, 2021; 7)Ms. Tara Thompson, Grade 3 Teacher, Central Intermediate School, effective June 7, 2021; 8)Ms. Catherine Vickry, Kindergarten Teacher, Bellingrath Hills Elementary School, effective June 20, 2021; 9)Mr. Dowell Worsham, Athletic Compliance Teacher, Central High School, effective August 1, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
Board Members received a report of sixteen (16) Resignations. This was a report only and required no action.
10. To receive a report from the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on Thursday, April 22, 2021 regarding the following:
a. Review of Facilities Projects with representatives from Grace Hebert Architects
Facilities Projects were reviewed with representatives from Grace Hebert Architects. This was a report only and required no action.
11. To consider approval of the minutes from the HR/Policies Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. Additional Staff Positions
The committee recommended approval to grant the staff permission to add an additional Talented Music Teacher and a Talented Theater Teacher. A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
b. 1st Reading of Policy F-9.17 - Retirement
Committee members received revised Policy F-9.17 - Retirement for a 1st Reading. This was for a 1st Reading only and required no action.
12. To consider approval of the minutes from the Facilities/Equipment Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. Update on renovations at Central High School
Committee members received an update on renovations at Central High School. This was a report only and required no action.
13. To consider approval of the minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. 2020-2021 Revised Federal Grants
The committee recommended approval of the 2020-2021 Revised Federal Grants as presented by the staff. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Foil to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
b. 2020-2021 Revised Capital Projects Budget
The committee recommended approval of the 2020-2021 Revised Capital Projects Budget as presented by the staff. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
14. To Consider approval of Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment with Lemoine Company for Phase I of the Central High School Renovations and Additions Project. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Mr. Graham to approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment with Lemoine Company for Phase I of the Central High School Renovations and Additions Project. There being no objections, the motion passed.
15. To consider approval of a one time stipend payment for employees and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Foil to approve a one time stipend payment for faculty and staff paid from ESSER II, Action I funds. There being no objections, the motion passed.
16. To receive the staff's recommendation to award bids for products to be utilized by the Child Nutrition Program for the 2021-2022 School Year and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Ms. Foil and seconded by Ms. Akinson to approve the staff's recommendation to award bids for products to be utilized by the Child Nutrition Program for the 2021-2022 School Year. There being no objections the motion passed.
17. To consider rescheduling the board meeting for the month of June. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve rescheduling the June School Board Meeting from June 14, 2021 to June 7, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
18. Superintendent's Report
We held on 7th Annual Academic Excellence Banquet last Thursday in the courtyard at CMS. The weather was beautiful and we had a great turnout honoring our student achievements. The Senior Breakfast and Senior Prom were held this past Friday and Saturday. Thanks to CHS for making sure our seniors do not miss out on important milestone events. Central Middle School held a 6th grade Bridge night last week. This was an opportunity for incoming 6th graders and their parents to learn more about the middle school and prepare for next year. Our CHS Fishing Team finished 2nd in the state this past weekend. Congratulations to them. State testing continues this week for grades 5 - 8 and high school. Third and fourth grade finished their testing last week. We have seven days of school left for students. Graduation will be next Tuesday, May 18th in Wildcat Stadium at 7:00. We wil hold our annual end-of-year Crawfish Boil next Friday, May 21st. Our next committee Meetings will be held on Wednesday, June 2nd. We moved committee meetings up a week because many of us will be attending the Teacher Leader Summit in New Orleans the week before.
19. Announcements
a. Committee Meetings - Wednesday, June 2nd
20. Adjourn
A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Graham to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.