Central Community Schools

Meeting Minutes


Special School Board Meeting

05/17/2021 06:00 PM

Central Administrative Office

10510 Joor Road, Suite 300

Central, LA  70818


Voting Members

Dr. James Gardner, President


Dr. Keith Holmes, Vice President


Roxanne Atkinson, Board Member


Dr. G. David Walker, Board Member


Phillip Graham, Board Member


Ruby Foil, Board Member


Sharon Browning, Board Member



1.     Call to Order

Chairman James Gardner called to order the Special School Board Meeting of the Central Community School Board on Monday, May 17, 2021 at the Central Administrative Office at 6:00 P.M.

2.     Prayer

Prayer led by Chandler Smith

3.     Pledge

4.     Roll Call

Tracy Barnes conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Roxanne Atkinson, Sharon Browning, Ruby Foil, James Gardner, Phil Graham, Keith Holmes and David Walker. A quorum was present.

5.     To establish millage rates for the 2021 Tax Rolls. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Browning to adopt Resolution #1 to levy the adjusted millage rates upon the dollar of the assessed valuation of all property subject to ad valorem taxation within said Parish for the year 2021 for the purpose of raising revenue.
A roll call vote was taken for the board to adopt Resolution #1 to levy the adjusted millage rates upon the dollar of the assessed valuation of all property subject to ad valorem taxation within said Parish for the year 2021 for the purpose of raising revenue and is listed as follows:

For:  Atkinson, Browning, Foil, Gardner, Graham, Holmes, Walker

Against:  None

Absent:  None

Abstain:  None

There being seven (7) votes "For", zero (0) votes "Against", zero (0) votes "Absent", and zero (0) votes "Abstain", the motion passed.

A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Dr. Walker to adopt Resolution #2 to increase the millage rate(s), but not in excess of the prior years' maximum rate(s), on all taxable property shown on the official assessment roll for the year 2021, and when collected, the revenues from said taxes shall be used only for the specific purposes for which said taxes have been levied.

A roll call vote was taken for the board to adopt Resolution #2 to increase the millage rate(s), but not in excess of the prior years' maximum rate(s), on all taxable property shown on the official assessment roll for the year 2021, and when collected, the revenues from said taxes shall be used only for the specific purposes for which said taxes have been levied and is listed as follows:

For:  Atkinson, Gardner, Graham, Holmes, Walker

Against:  Browning, Foil

Absent:  None

Abstain:  None

There being five (5) votes "For", two (2) votes "Against", zero (0) votes "Absent", and zero (0) votes "Abstain", the motion passed.

6.     Adjourn

A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Dr. Holmes to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.