Central Community Schools
Meeting Minutes
School Board Meeting
06/07/2021 06:00 PM
Central Administrative Office
10510 Joor Road, Suite 300
Central, LA 70818
Voting Members
Dr. James Gardner, President |
Dr. Keith Holmes, Vice President |
Dr. G. David Walker, Board Member |
Roxanne Atkinson, Board Member |
Phillip Graham, Board Member |
Ruby Foil, Board Member |
Sharon Browning, Board Member |
1. Call to Order
Chairman James Gardner called to order the Regular School Board Meeting of the Central Community School Board on Monday, June 7, 2021 at the Central Administrative Office at 6:00 P.M.
2. Prayer
Prayer led by Dr. Holmes
3. Pledge
4. Roll Call
Tracy Barnes conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Roxanne Atkinson, Sharon Browning, Ruby Foil, James Gardner, Phil Graham, Keith Holmes and David Walker. A quorum was present.
5. Recognitions
Board Members were presented with certificates from LSBA for completing the minimum 6 hours of required training in 2020
6. To consider approval of the minutes from the Public Hearing on Budgets held on Monday, May 10, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the minutes from the Public Hearing on Budgets held on Monday, May 10, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
7. To consider approval of the minutes from the Public Hearing on the 2021 Millage Rates held on Monday, May 10, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the minutes from the Public Hearing on the 2021 Millage Rates held on Monday, May 10, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
8. To consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, May 10, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Foil to approve the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, May 10, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
9. To consider approval of the minutes from the Public Hearing on the 2021 Millage Rates held on Monday, May 17, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the minutes from the Public Hearing on the 2021 Millage Rates held on Monday, May 17, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
10. To consider approval of the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on Monday, May 17, 2021 and take appropriate action.
A motion was made by Ms. Foil and seconded by Ms. Browning to approve the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on Monday, May 17, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.
11. To consider the Superintendent's recommendation for administrative, instructional and support staff positions and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)
Board Members received a report of fifteen (15) resignations. This was a report only and required no action.
Board Members received a report of twenty (20) appointments. This was a report only and required no action.
Board Members received a report of fourteen (14) reassignments. This was a report only and required no action.
12. To receive a report from the HR/Policies Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, June 2 , 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. 2nd Reading of Policy F-9.17 - Retirement
The committee recommended approval of the 2nd Reading of revised Policy F-9.17 - Retirement. A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
b. Additional staff position at Central High School
The committee recommended approval of granting the staff permission to add an Assistant Principal position at Central High School for 2 years funded by ESSER Funds. A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
c. Reclassify the position of Instructional Technology Coordinator to an Instructional Math Coach
The committee recommended approval to grant the staff permission to reclassify the Instructional Technology Coordinator position to an Instructional Math Coach position. A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
13. To receive a report from the Curriculum/Instruction/Accountability/Student Services Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. Revisions to the Pupil Progression Plan for the 2021-2022 School Year
The committee recommended approval of the Revised Pupil Progression Plan for the 2021-2022 School Year. A motion was made by Ms. Foil and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
14. To receive a report from the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. Renewal of Worker's Compensation, Property and General Liability insurance policies
The committee recommends approval to renew the Workers' Compensation Insurance policy and to renew the Property Insurance Policy with an additional $5,000,000 for Excess Flood insurance through BXS Insurance. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Graham to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
The committee recommends approval to renew the General Liability Insurance policy through Gallagher Insurance. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Walker to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
b. Renewal of Student Accident Insurance coverage
The committee recommends approval to renew the Student Accident Insurance Coverage through Bollinger Specialty Group and to renew the Catastrophe Cash Benefit Rider through AIG. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Browning to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.
15. To receive a report from the Facilities/Equipment Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 and take appropriate action regarding the following:
a. Update on discussions with the City about their possible purchase of property and building of City Hall at old middle school site
Committee members received an update on discussions with the City about their possible purchase of property and building of City Hall at old middle school site. This was a report only and required no action.
b. Update on current projects
Committee members received an update on current projects for the Central Community School System. This was a report only and required no action.
16. To consider granting the staff permission to advertise and receive bids for projects at Tanglewood Elementary School and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Dr. Holmes to grant the staff permission to advertise and receive bids for projects at Tanglewood Elementary School. There being no objections, the motion passed.
17. To consider the staff's recommendation relative to bids received for the Concession Stand at Wildcat Stadium and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Browning to reject the bids received for the Concession Stand at Wildcat Stadium. There being no objections, the motion passed.
18. To consider selection of the Official Journal for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year. (Dr. Fountain)
A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Graham to approve The Advocate as the Official Journal for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year. There being no objections the motion passed.
19. To provide information setting the timelines for the Superintendent's Yearly Evaluation. (Mrs. Browning)
Board Members received information on setting the timelines for the Superintendent's Yearly Evaluation. This was a report only and required no action.
20. Superintendent's Report
Summer programs began today. We are really excited about our partnership with BREC on our K-2 program. Students will receive academic enrichment in the morning and participate in BREC activities in the afternoon. We are providing transportation and food each day. Also, CMS and CHS are beginning their summer school credit recovery classes today. Last week, we began our JumpStart Summer programs at CHS. This year we are offering Adobe Premier Pro and Welding. A number of our high school students are participating in this innovative program. Teachers at BHE and TES are participating in Professional Development through Jenn Jones. This training will ensure our K-2 teachers are consistent in their approach to teaching literacy. We had our annual Administrative Retreat last Tuesday, June 1st. We had a great day preparing for the 2021-2022 school year. All Open House dates are posted on our website and our Facebook page. Statement on wearing face coverings: Based on the Governor's latest Executive Order, the statewide mask mandate has been lifted. In section 3, subsection D of the Executive Order, local school systems must continue to require all students, employees and visitors to wear a face mask until the last day of the 2020-2021 school year. That requirement terminates at the end of the 2021 academic year. Central Community School System's academic year ended on May 19, 2021. Therefore, face coverings are no longer required in our school buildings. The Executive Order also granted local systems the authority to determine whether face coverings will be required during summer programs. The Central Community School System will not require face coverings in our buildings during summer programs. However, individuals are allowed to wear face coverings if they choose. Construction Updates: BHE (t-buildings interior), TES (bid in late June, early July), CHS (demo and abatement), Central Office (interior layout). Our Next Committee Meetings will be held on Wednesday, June 23rd.
21. Announcements
a. Committee Meetings - Wednesday, June 23rd
Update: This meeting was canceled.
b. Next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, July 12th
22. Adjourn
A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.