Central Community Schools

School Board Meeting

01/10/2022 06:00 PM

Central Administrative Office

10510 Joor Road, Suite 300

Central, LA 70818





Voting Members

Dr. James Gardner, President

Dr. Keith Holmes, Vice President

Roxanne Atkinson, Board Member

Dr. G. David Walker, Board Member

Kimberly Powers, Board Member

Ruby Foil, Board Member

Sharon Browning, Board Member


1.        Call to Order

Chairman James Gardner called to order the Regular School Board Meeting of the Central Community School Board on Monday, January 10, 2022 at the Central Administrative Office at 6:00 P.M.


2.        Prayer

Prayer led by Dr. Walker


3.        Pledge


4.        Roll Call

Tracy Barnes conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:  Roxanne Atkinson, Sharon Browning, Ruby Foil, James Gardner, Keith Holmes, Kimberly Powers and David Walker. A quorum was present.


5.        Election of Officers for the 2022 Year

Nominations for School Board President

A nomination was made by Ms. Browning to nominate Dr. Gardner to remain as the School Board President for the 2022 year. The board unanimously voted for Dr. Gardner to remain as the School Board President for the 2022 year.


Nominations for School Board Vice President

A nomination was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Walker to nominate Dr. Holmes to remain as the School Board Vice President for the 2022 year. The board unanimously voted for Dr. Holmes to remain as the School Board Vice President for the 2022 year.


6.        To consider approval of the minutes from the Public Hearing held on Monday, December 13,  2021 and take appropriate action.

A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the minutes from the Public Hearing held on Monday, December 13, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.


7.        To consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, December 13,  2021 and take appropriate action.

A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, December 13, 2021. There being no objections, the motion passed.


8.        To consider approval of the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on Wednesday, January 5,  2022 and take appropriate action.

A motion was made by Ms. Powers and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. There being no objections, the motion passed.


9.        To consider the Superintendent's recommendation for administrative, instructional and support staff positions and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

Board Members received a report of six (6) Resignations. This was a report only and required no action.

Board Members received a report of ten (10) Appointments. This was a report only and required no action.


10.     To consider approval of an Out-of-State Field Trip request and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Ms. Powers and seconded by Ms. Foil to approve the Out-of-State Field Trip request. There being no objections, the motion passed.


11.     To consider approval of a request to reclassify the Chief Academic Officer position to a Director of Instructional Development position and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Browning to approve reclassifying the Chief Academic Officer position to a Director of Instructional Development position. There being no objections, the motion passed.


12.     To consider approval of a Resolution regarding a proposed subdivision within the Central Community School District and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Powers to adopt a Resolution regarding a proposed subdivision within the Central Community School District.  A roll call vote was taken for the board to adopt a resolution regarding a proposed subdivision within the Central Community School District and is listed as follows:

For:  Atkinson, Browning, Foil, Gardner, Holmes, Powers, Walker

Against:  None

Absent:  None

Abstain:  None

There being seven (7) votes "For", zero (0) votes "Against", zero (0) votes "Absent", and zero (0) votes "Abstain", the motion passed.


13.     Superintendent's Report

Of course, students started back today. We had an excellent first day with students. Our teachers and staff began last Thursday. We had two excellent days of professional development for our teachers and staff. This is a great opportunity to reset and have the time to work with one another to prepare for the second semester. Report cards go home tomorrow, Tuesday, January 11th. We are about to begin meeting with BREC to plan our summer programming. This year, we are planning to run camps for each of our elementary schools during the month of June in partnership with BREC. Students will have academic supports in ELA and math in the mornings and enrichment led by BREC in the afternoons. Middle and high schools will also have summer programming for students. Schools will be closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. day next Monday, January 17th. Our next Committee Meetings will be held on Wednesday, January 26th.


14.     Announcements

a.        January Committee Meetings - Wednesday, January 26th

b.       Next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, February  14th


15.     Adjourn

A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Ms. Browning to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.