Central Community Schools


School Board Meeting

06/20/2022 06:00 PM

Central Administrative Office

10510 Joor Road, Suite 300

Central, LA 70818





Voting Members

Dr. James Gardner, President

Dr. Keith Holmes, Vice President

Roxanne Atkinson, Board Member

Dr. G. David Walker, Board Member

Kimberly Powers, Board Member

Sharon Browning, Board Member

Ruby Foil, Board Member


1.          Call to Order

Chairman James Gardner called to order the Regular School Board Meeting of the Central Community School Board on Monday, June 20, 2022 at the Central Administrative Office at 6:00 P.M.

2.          Prayer

Prayer led by Ron Erickson

3.          Pledge


4.          Roll Call

Barbra Guyon conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:  Roxanne Atkinson, Sharon Browning, Ruby Foil, James Gardner, Keith Holmes, Kimberly Powers and David Walker. A quorum was present.


5.          To consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, May 9, 2022 and take appropriate action.

A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Browning to approve the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting held on Monday, May 9, 2022. There being no objections, the motion passed.


6.          To consider approval of the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on Thursday, May 26, 2022 and take appropriate action.

A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the minutes from the Special School Board Meeting held on Monday, June 20, 2022. There being no objections, the motion passed.


7.          To consider the Superintendent's recommendation for administrative, instructional and support staff positions and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the retirement of the following: 1)Mr. Jeffrey Weaver, Math Teacher, Central High School, effective May 28, 2022; 2)Ms. Violet Wilson, Spanish Teacher, Central High School, effective July 31, 2022. There being no objections, the motion passed.


Board members received a report of twenty-two (22) Resignations. This was a report only and required no action


Board members received a report of thirty-four (34) Appointments. This was a report only and required no action.


Board members received a report of ten (10) Reassignments. This was a report only and required no action.


A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Powers to approve the leave request of the following: 1) The Sabbatical request from Mrs. Arleshia Taylor-Douglas for the first semester of the 2022-2023 School Year; 2) The Leave Without Pay request from Ms. Kristen Tranchina for the first semester of the 2022-2023 School Year. There being no objections, the motion passed.


a.          Administrative Contracts

Board members received a report of 2-year contracts for administrative positions. This was a report only and required no action.


8.          To receive a report from the HR/Policies Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 and take appropriate action regarding the following:

a.          New Administrative position in the Discipline Center

The committee recommended approval of the new Administrative position in the Discipline Center as presented by the staff. A Special Board Meeting was held on May 26, 2022 and action was taken on this item. This was a report only and required no action.

b.         New Teaching Position in the Discipline Center

The committee recommended approval of the new Teaching position in the Discipline Center as presented by the staff. A Special Board Meeting was held on May 26, 2022 and action was taken on this item. This was a report only and required no action.

c.          Additional, temporary Facilities Coordinator position

The committee recommended approval of an additional, temporary Facilities Coordinator position as presented by the staff. A Special Board Meeting was held on May 26, 2022 and action was taken on this item. This was a report only and required no action.

d.         Revised Job Description for the Career &Technical Education Coordinator position

The committee recommended approval of the revised job description for the Career and Technical Education Coordinator (CTE) position as presented by the staff. A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.


9.          To receive a report from the Facilities/Equipment Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 and take appropriate action regarding the following:

a.          Cooperative Endeavor Agreement on the Greenwell Springs Property

Committee members discussed a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement on the Greenwell Springs Property. This item was deferred to the June committee meeting to allow the attorney time to review comments from the committee regarding the wording of the CEA. This was a report only and required no action.


10.       To receive a report from the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 and take appropriate action regarding the following:

a.          Funding for the new Discipline Center Administrator position, the new Discipline Center Teacher position,  and the additional, temporary Facilities Coordinator position.

The committee recommended approval of the funding for the new Discipline Center Administrative position, the new Discipline Center Teacher position, and the additional, temporary Facilities Coordinator position. A Special Board Meeting was held on May 26, 2022 and action was taken on this item. This was a report only and required no action.

b.         Starkey Lease for the  Central Office

The committee recommended approval of Option 1 of the Starkey Lease for the Central Office as presented by the staff. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Walker to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.

c.          Lease and construction costs for a Discipline Center

The committee recommended approval of a Lease and the construction costs for a Discipline Center for $2,000 a month for two (2) years with the option for two (2) additional years at the same rate. A Special Board Meeting was held on May 26, 2022 and action was taken on this item. This was a report only and required no action.

d.         Change Orders for the Central Office Construction project

The committee recommended approval to grant the superintendent permission to approve Change Orders not to exceed $125,000 for the Central Office Construction Project.  A Special Board Meeting was held on May 26, 2022 and action was taken on this item. This was a report only and required no action.

e.          Renewal of General Liability Insurance Policy

Committee members received information on the General Liability Insurance Renewal Policy as presented by the representatives from Gallagher Insurance. This was a report only and required no action.

f.           Renewal of Property and Worker's Compensation Insurance Policies

Committee members received information on the Property and Worker's Comp Insurance Renewal Policy as presented by the representatives from BXS Insurance. This was a report only and required no action.

g.         2021-2022 Revised General Fund Budget

The committee recommended approval of the Revised General Fund Budget for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year as presented by the staff. A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the committee's recommendation. There being no objections, the motion passed.


11.       To consider the staff's recommendation relative to the Property and Worker's Comp Renewal Policies and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve the staff's recommendation relative to the Property and Worker's Compensation Insurance Renewal Policies. There being no objections, the motion passed.


12.       To consider the staff's recommendation relative to the General Liability Insurance Renewal Policy and take appropriate action. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Ms. Browning and seconded by Dr. Holmes to approve the staff's recommendation relative to the General Liability Insurance Renewal Policy. There being no objections, the motion passed.


13.       To consider selection of the Official Journal for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. (Dr. Fountain)

A motion was made by Ms. Powers and seconded by Ms. Atkinson to approve The Advocate as the Official Journal for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. There being no objections, the motion passed.


14.       To provide information setting the timelines for the Superintendent's Yearly Evaluation. (Mrs. Browning)

Board members received information on setting the timelines for the Superintendent's Yearly Evaluation. This was a report only and required no action.


15.       Superintendent's Report

We held our NIET (National Institute for Excellence in Teaching) new evaluator training a couple of weeks ago. This training was for all of our administrators and central office directors. We had about 35 administrators trained in evaluating teachers on the new rubric. We will be partnering with Capturing Kids Hearts at CMS and CHS beginning next school year. This will assist in setting our tier 1 campus expectations for student behavior. We are very excited to partner with this organization that is based in Texas. This is not a program; they teach a process for building relationships between students and teachers and for students learning to hold themselves accountable. Teachers and staff will be trained August 1st and 2nd . As you are aware, we partnered with BREC for our elementary academic summer camps. We had some challenges during our first week, but the program has gone much better since then. BREC has had difficulty with staffing. The program will conclude at the end of this week. The JumpStart Summers program has continued this summer despite construction at the high school. We are offering certifications in Adobe and Advanced Welding. This program will conclude at the end of this month. In July, we will have our annual Wildcat 101 program for new employees. This will be on July 20th and 21st. This is a great opportunity to orient our new employees to Central and our expectations. We typically give them a tour of our schools and have other fun activities planned for the day. Our next Committee Meetings will be held this Wednesday, June 22nd .


16.       Announcements

a.          Committee Meetings - Wednesday, June 22nd

b.         Next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, July 11th


17.       To enter into Executive Session to hear from a parent regarding the appeal of an expulsion and take appropriate action.

A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Atkinson for the board to enter into executive session to hear from a parent regarding the appeal of an expulsion. A roll call vote was taken for the board to enter into executive session to hear from a parent regarding the appeal of an expulsion and is listed as follows:

For:  Atkinson, Browning, Foil, Gardner, Holmes, Powers, Walker

Against:  None

Absent:  None

Abstain:  None

There being seven (7) votes "For", zero (0) votes "Against", zero (0) votes "Absent", and zero (0) votes "Abstain", the motion passed.


A motion was made by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Ms. Atkinson for the board to come out of executive session to hear from a parent regarding the appeal of an expulsion. A roll call vote was taken for the board to come out of executive session to hear from a parent regarding the appeal of an expulsion and is listed as follows:

For:  Atkinson, Browning, Foil, Gardner, Holmes, Powers, Walker

Against:  None

Absent:  None

Abstain:  None

There being seven (7) votes "For", zero (0) votes "Against", zero (0) votes "Absent", and zero (0) votes "Abstain", the motion passed.


A motion was made by Ms. Atkinson and seconded by Dr. Holmes to affirm the recommendation for expulsion. There being no objections, the motion passed.


18.       Adjourn

A motion was made by Dr. Walker and seconded by Ms. Browning to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.