FILE:  B-7.1





Central Community School Board members may be provided with specific communications tools which are necessary to fulfill the School Board members' duties.  Any equipment or other tools provided shall be subject to the provisions of all applicable state rules and statutes.


Given the nature and dependency of system functions on the School Board President and Vice President, the school system shall also provide, at their request, a cellular phone or similar technology to facilitate immediate access to both district staff and the community.  All costs associated with this technology shall be borne by the School Board, provided none of the incurred costs are of a personal nature.


The President and Vice President shall bear the sole responsibility for accurately reporting said expenses according to approved School Board policy and applicable state rules and statutes.  Any and all personal charges incurred by the President or Vice President shall be reimbursed to the system in full, within ten (10) days of the billing notice from the School Board to the School Board member.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81


Central Community School Board