FILE: B-12.2
The Central Community School Board shall direct the Superintendent to prepare, or cause to be prepared, an agenda for all regular and special School Board meetings. Items of business may be suggested by School Board members, administrative staff, and employees of the school district for inclusion on the agenda. The agenda shall not be changed less than twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, prior to the scheduled time of the meeting.
Each item on the agenda shall be listed separately and described with reasonable specificity. Before the School Board may take any action on the agenda item, the presiding officer shall read aloud the description of the item.
School Board members, employees or the public wishing to have items placed on the agenda shall submit their requests to the Superintendent at least seventy-two (72) hours, exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, prior to the meeting date and time. The Superintendent and the School Board President shall determine whether these requests should be sent to a Standing Committee or placed on the agenda. If not submitted on time to be placed on the agenda, the item may be held over for the next scheduled meeting of the School Board or assigned to the appropriate committee.
Any material to be used must be submitted at the time of the request.
The Superintendent shall be authorized to waive the 72-hour requirement if in his/her judgment the matter to be brought before the School Board is of an emergency nature. In the event the 72-hour requirement is waived, and the agenda has been mailed to School Board members, the Superintendent shall, if time permits, mail to School Board members a supplement to the original agenda. Otherwise, the School Board shall be apprised of his/her action in waiving the time requirement at its next meeting.
Matters which should be handled by the Superintendent and staff shall be left off the agenda and handled by the professional staff in order to conserve School Board time. In the event the Superintendent and staff cannot solve the problem to the satisfaction of the person or delegation, the matter shall be presented to the School Board at the earliest possible date.
Items of business not on the agenda may not be suggested from the floor for discussion except upon unanimous approval of the members present at a meeting. The motion to add an item not on the agenda shall identify the item with reasonable specificity, including the purpose for the proposed addition to the agenda, and shall be entered into the minutes. In keeping with state law and School Board policy, prior to any vote to add an item to the agenda, there shall be an opportunity for public comment on the motion.
All School Board meeting materials and supporting data shall be shall be mailed or hand carried to the members of the School Board no later than three (3) days prior to any School Board meeting, whenever possible.
Committee reports will be distributed in writing to School Board members at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a meeting.
Revised: September, 2014
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง42:19
Jackson v. Assumption Parish School Board, App. 1 Cir. 1995, 652 So2d 549, 1994-0901 (La. App. 1 Circ. 3/3/95)
Board minutes, 1-14-13, 10-27-14
Central Community School Board