FILE:  D-3.7





The Central Community School Board encourages the development of proposals to federal, state, and private granting agencies and other sources of financial aid for subsidizing such activities as innovative projects, feasibility studies, long-range planning, and research and development.  All such activities are to meet the following criteria:


  1. They are based on a specific set of internal objectives that relate to the established goals and objectives of the district.

  2. They are to provide measures for evaluating whether or not project objectives are being or have been achieved.

  3. The execution of all projects is to conform to state and federal laws and to the policies of the School Board.


The School Board shall be notified of all grants.  The School Board President and/or the Superintendent shall be authorized to sign all grant proposals, subject to the School Board's right to recall or rescind the application.  An assessment shall generally be conducted prior to submission of any grant proposal to determine any residual or recurring costs that may be incurred by the School Board.  When the grant award letter or written notification is received and budgeted expenditures have been approved by the granting agency, grant funds may be expended by the Superintendent or designee/recipient.  Grants awarded directly by a federal governmental agency and grant budgets shall be submitted to the School Board as soon as possible after the grant award letter or written notification is received.  The School Board shall be informed of any recurring costs related to grants and reserves the right to terminate a grant at any time and return any unexpended funds to the grantor.


Grant awards for which the School Board is designated as fiscal agent shall be handled through the central office accounting system and shall be assigned to an instructional supervisor or coordinator as project administrator.  In addition to adhering to the rules and regulations required by the grantor agency, all grant awards must follow all established policies and procedures of the School Board.


Grants written at the schools shall be accounted for as school funds and shall follow all applicable School Board policies related to school based accounting and recordkeeping.  However, any grants written at the schools that exceed $5,000 and awarded in the name of the Central Community School Board, or benefit more than one school, shall be handled through the central office accounting system and shall be assigned to an instructional supervisor as project administrator.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81


Central Community School Board