FILE:  D-7.2b

Cf:  D-6.1, D-8, H-6.2







The Central Community School Board shall approve all professional services to be performed for the school district prior to such services being rendered.  Invoices and/or bills for payment of such services shall be itemized by the hour and shall be presented to the School Board for review.




The Central Community School Board recognizes the need to hire employees and other individuals to assist with school functions and events during and after school, such as athletic contests, craft shows, nighttime pageants, etc.  Any school that agrees to pay teachers or any other school system employee for any school event or school-related activity, the payment for services rendered shall be handled through the School Board’s regular payroll.  No payment for services or works performed shall be made through school activity funds, whether by cash or check.  The only exception allowing the school to make payment shall be for game officials and law enforcement personnel serving a security function at events at the school.  Payments for these services shall be made in accordance with procedures established by the Superintendent and staff.


To comply with federal and state earned income reporting requirements, all individuals who render independent services to the school system shall be required to complete and submit appropriate reporting documents and forms.  It shall be the principal's responsibility to ensure that all individuals to whom his/her school pays funds properly completes all required forms.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:81


Central Community School Board