FILE:  E-1.8b

Cf:  E-1.8c





The Central Community School Board shall require from the Superintendent or the designated construction supervisor, a periodic review of the architect's activities in his/her administration of building construction.  The Superintendent shall make periodic reports certifying by his/her personal knowledge that the work of the construction contractor and the architect is being performed in accordance with plans, specifications, and contracts.


The School Board shall require major projects under construction to be inspected on a weekly or more frequent basis as determined by the construction supervisor or other representatives of the School Board.  The results of such inspections shall form the basis of reports given to the School Board regarding building progress.


Requests made by contractors for extensions of time to their contracts, for delay or days missed due to inclement weather, shall be documented on a day by day basis and submitted for the School Board's consideration.  No extension shall be granted where proper documentation has not been submitted and the penalty clause of the contract shall be enforced.


Upon completion of the building construction and a final inspection of all its aspects by the architect, contractors, and school officials, a recommendation for its acceptance may be made to the School Board.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81


Central Community School Board