FILE:  E-2.5







Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, the School Board may share equipment with another public entity without having to expend funds for such use, provided that both entities have executed a cooperative endeavor agreement for the use of the equipment.


The cooperative endeavor agreement shall set forth in reasonable detail the obligations of the parties and shall:


  1. Identify the equipment that will be shared.

  2. Explain the use of the equipment and the approximate length of time for use of the equipment by the requesting public entity.

  3. Address the responsibility for repairing or replacing the equipment when the equipment becomes inoperable for its intended use due to a mechanical or other breakdown while in the possession of the requesting public entity.

  4. Include a hold harmless provision releasing the lending public entity from expenses, damages, or losses arising from the use of the equipment.


When an emergency situation is declared and public entities need to share equipment, the provisions above requiring a cooperative agreement shall not be required, provided the public entities share the equipment in good faith relative to the emergency situation.




It is the policy of the Central Community School Board that no School Board equipment shall be removed or taken home for personal use.  Any employee who has a need to take equipment home or to another site for school-related purposes shall obtain written permission from his/her principal, supervisor, or Superintendent.  A copy of the approval shall be maintained on file in the appropriate office for three (3) years.  Equipment used in this manner shall be returned to its assigned work location immediately upon completion of usage and the date of return shall be noted on the approval form.




Principals may approve the loaning of items such as tables, chairs, and non-depreciating items to outside school organizations or groups that may be sponsoring a school-related activity on or away from the school campus.


The proper form shall be completed and kept at the school site specifying:  item(s) borrowed, date item(s) borrowed, number of each item borrowed, signature of person receiving item(s), date item(s) returned, and signature of person verifying item(s) returned.




When an employee leaves a work site, either through transfer, resignation, or retirement, only personal property items may be taken from his/her work site.  Materials and equipment purchased with School Board or school funds shall remain at the site for which they were purchased.  Materials and equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the equipment or supplies being obtained through grants, or given to a teacher any time he/she has represented themselves as an employee of the Central Community School Board or after expressing a need for their students or school while employed by the School Board.


In the case of items of technology, the building administrator shall inquire with the School Board’s Technology Department to determine transfer eligibility for these items.  The nature of funding source along with the scope of the project used to obtain this equipment shall determine whether or not certain items may be transferred to another School Board site along with the employee.


In any case, the employee must seek the permission of the building administrator before removing any materials from the site.  As usual, should any item be transferred to any other site, the proper disposition sheet(s) shall be completed and forwarded to the inventory specialist for accountability.


Additionally, equipment and/or supplies purchased or fabricated, and donated by auxiliary and/or support organizations become the property of the school as well as the Central Community School Board and are therefore governed by this policy.


Revised:  January 22, 2018

Revised:  July 30, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 33:4712.18

Board minutes, 1-22-18, 7-30-18


Central Community School Board