FILE:  G-9.4a

Cf:  G-2.4g, G-9.4

Cf:  H-2.2a, H-12





The Central Community School Board recognizes the rights of parental access to certain information regarding their children and the importance of notifying parents of children enrolled in the district’s schools of these rights.


At least annually at the beginning of each school year, parents of each child enrolled in the public schools of the community of Central shall be notified of:



In addition, the School Board shall encourage each public school and require those schools receiving federal Title I funds under the jurisdiction of the Central Community School Board to notify parents:





Revised:  February 12, 2018



Ref:    20 USC 1232(h) (Protection of Pupil Rights)

20 USC 6312(e) (Parents Right-to-Know)

34 CFR 99.1-99.67 (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

Board minutes, 2-12-18


Central Community School Board