FILE:  H-3.5d

Cf:  H-3.5





The Central Community School Board recognizes the need of providing appropriate disciplinary action for students who have committed infractions which do not require suspension or expulsion of the student from the school setting.


Each elementary and secondary school shall develop and implement provisions for student detention and in-school suspension appropriate for the grade level and student body situated at the given school.  Such provisions shall be incorporated into its school handbook.


Detention means requiring a student to remain at school supervised by a teacher or an administrator for not more than one (1) hour before the normal school day, at lunch, after the normal school day, or on Saturday, for a period of time designated by the administrator.  During this time the student shall be required to complete assigned activities, or assigned work.  Assignments, activities, or work that may be assigned during detention include, but are not limited to, counseling, homework assignments, behavior modification programs, or other activities aimed at the conduct of the student.


  1. Each individual school should develop and post a list of offenses for which a student may receive a detention, as well as a listing of expectations for a student’s behavior when serving an assigned detention.

  2. The Detention Notice form shall be used for obtaining permission to have a student serve detention outside of normal school hours.


    1. Notification of detention shall be made on the Detention Notice form and sent home with the student to the parent/legal guardian.  This form shall be executed and sent to the parent/legal guardian at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled detention period.  The form shall request that the parent/legal guardian sign and return it by the day of the detention.

    2. Failure to serve detention may result in suspension of the student.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann §17:416


Central Community School Board