Title 17. Education

Chapter 43. School Choice Scholarships

Part I. Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program


17:4020      School participation; application


A. Participation in this program by a school is voluntary, and nothing in this Part shall be construed to authorize any additional regulation of participating schools beyond that specifically authorized by this Part. 


B. Any school that wishes to participate in the program and enroll scholarship recipients annually shall notify the department of its intent to participate in the program by February first of the previous school year. The notice shall specify the number of seats the school will have available for scholarship recipients at each grade level and the maximum amount of tuition attributable to each available seat, as applicable. 


Added by Acts 2008, No. 509, § 1, eff. June 25, 2008. Amended by Acts 2010, No. 861, § 8; Acts 2012, No. 2, § 1; Acts 2019, No. 21, § 1.