FILE:  B-4

Cf:  A-6







The President shall preside at all meetings of the Central Community School Board and shall call special meetings when required.  He/she shall sign with the Superintendent, the minutes and other official documents which require the signature of the President.  He/she shall perform other duties as prescribed by law or School Board policy.  In the absence of the President or in the event of his or her death, or his or her inability or failure to act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of the President.  If the President and Vice-President are absent from a meeting at which a quorum is present, the Superintendent shall preside until the members elect one of their members to serve as President for that meeting.




The Superintendent shall serve as the secretary and treasurer of the School Board.  As secretary, he/she shall conduct all correspondence of the School Board, keep and preserve all its records, receive all reports required by the School Board, and see that such reports are in proper form, complete and accurate.  He/she shall announce all meetings, prepare the agenda of all meetings, and attend all meetings of the School Board and of its committees.  In case the Secretary is absent, the School Board may appoint another member of the School Board, or other school personnel under the jurisdiction of said School Board to act as Secretary.


As treasurer, the Superintendent shall have the authority to sign and execute any and all documents associated with all transactions duly approved by the School Board.  He/she shall also be designated as the official custodian of all funds to which the School Board is entitled by law and shall be responsible for the proper safeguarding and accounting for all such funds.


The Treasurer shall issue a receipt for any monies coming into his or her hands and deposit such monies in accordance with the laws governing the deposit of public funds. He/she shall issue such warrants in payment of expenses lawfully incurred on behalf of the School Board.




At the first regular meeting in December of each year, the School Board shall elect one of its members to serve as President and one to serve as Vice-President for a term of one year, beginning in January.  In those years where elections have been held, resulting in newly elected School Board members, the election of a President and Vice-President shall occur at the January meeting following the seating of the new members.


Election of the President and Vice-President shall be by roll call vote, unless a single member has been nominated for an office, in which event the nominee shall be elected by acclamation.  In the event no candidate for office receives the votes of a majority of the elected members, further balloting shall continue until the required votes are obtained.  Those elected shall assume the responsibilities of office immediately.




A vacancy in the office of President or Vice-President shall be filled by election in the manner set forth above at the next regular or special meeting called for that purpose.  All persons so elected shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer he/she is succeeding.



Ref:    Constitution of Louisiana, Art. X, Sec. 30

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:54, 17:55, 17:56, 17:83, 17:91, 17:94, 17:95, 18:602, 42:52, 42:141, 42:161, 42:162, 42:163


Central Community School Board