FILE: F-11.6
The Central Community School Board recognizes the importance of protecting the health and welfare of students, teachers, and other employees of the educational system from the spread of communicable diseases. The transfer of certain diseases by contact with body fluids may pose a health risk to students, teachers and employees. Therefore, decisions regarding the type of educational and care setting for an infected person should be based on the behavior, neurologic development, and physical interaction with others in that setting. The risk in the school setting should also be considered since children may have a greater risk of encountering infectious agents in a school setting than at home.
It is the responsibility of each and every employee to conduct themselves in a safe and orderly manner. All employees should follow safe operating practices.
Unanticipated events that may quickly escalate into tragic or catastrophic school-wide situations should be dealt with in accordance with the School Board’s Crisis Management Plan in order to protect the welfare, safety and care of students and staff.
All personnel shall be required to follow specific guidelines in the handling of body fluids in the school setting. While the risk of infection may be low, contact with body fluids shall be minimized. Employees who fail to use the precautions outlined in the guidelines for handling body fluids may be subject to disciplinary action.
Ref: 20 USC 1400-1482 (Education of Individuals with Disabilities)
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:416.16, 17:436, 17:437
Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 135, Louisiana Department of Education
Central Community School Board